Item Coversheet

City of Davenport

Agenda Group: 
Department:  Community Planning & Economic Development
Contact Info:  Susanne Knutsen
Wards:  8
Action / Date

Motion to set a public hearing for January 18, 2017 at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers for the purpose of amending and expanding the North Urban Renewal Area [Ward 8].

Approve the motion.
Relationship to Goals:
Added emphasis on economic  development.

The City of Davenport is seeking to amend the North Urban Renewal Area Plan. The amendment will include the addition of land adjacent to the Eastern Iowa Industrial Center where Sterilite is considering construction of their new manufacturing and distribution center.


The City of Davenport will also be amending the North Urban Renewal Plan to include the following projects: Project Prairie: Approximate property tax rebate of $8,361,600 and Project Prairie Land and Infrastructure: Approximately $9,500,000.


The amended plan is attached for both the inclusion of land and news projects. The public hearing is to be held at the January 18, 2017 Committee of the Whole meeting. 

Cover MemoURA Plan amendment
Cover MemoNotice adding land