Item Coversheet

City of Davenport

Agenda Group: 
Department:  Public Works - Engineering
Contact Info:  Brad Guy 563-327-5105
Action / Date
Resolution approving the contracts for the FY21 Sewer Lateral Repair Program, totaling $860,000, to six (6) contractors and allowing the Public Works Director/Assistant City Administrator the ability to increase quantities, for each contract, within the Capital Improvement Project budget constraints, CIP #30052. [All Wards]
Adopt the Resolution.

This program is to repair lateral sewer connections between the City's sewer main and private residences by contract.


Six (6) responses were received on June 12 at 2:30 p.m. The following list contains these contractors that have agreed to the City's determined fair and reasonable pricing for the program and the amounts in which contracts are recommended to be awarded:


  1. Petersen Plumbing & Heating: $350,000
  2. Hometown Plumbing & Heating: $200,000
  3. Tappendorf Plumbing: $100,000
  4. River Bend Plumbing: $100,000
  5. Hagerty Earthworks: $  60,000
  6. Lenny D's Plumbing: $  50,000


It is anticipated that each contract will be awarded additional funds, based on the individual contractor's progress and the needs of the City. The accompanying Resolution provides the Public Works Director/Assistant City Administrator the authority to approve amendments to the contracts in excess of $50,000 without further review by City Council. The total of such amendments shall not exceed the amount available in the CIP. This authority is intended to provide the flexibility for contractors to continue working on repairs without a delay in the work or payment to the contractor.


Funds for the FY21 Sanitary Sewer Lateral Repair Program are budgeted in CIP #30052 at $1,000,000.

Resolution LetterResolution