Item Coversheet

City of Davenport

Department:  Public Works - Admin
Contact Info:  Amy Kay | 563-327-5160
Action / Date

Preliminary Resolution for the 2022 50/50 Cost Share Stream Bank Stabilization Program project at West 62nd Street and North Elmwood Avenue. [Ward 2]

Adopt the Resolution.

Within the City of Davenport, maintenance of streams that flow through private property is considered the responsibility of the property owner.  A resident or business owner petitions the City to have their stream banks stabilized through the 50/50 Cost Share Stream Bank Stabilization Program.  This program is an assessment program where ½ of the total cost to reconstruct or stabilize the stream is paid for by the City and the other ½ is paid for by the abutting property owners based on the area of their lot affected by the project. The resident or business that requests to have their stream bank stabilized would have to obtain the necessary signatures on a petition prepared by the City of 100% of the owner occupied property abutting the designated stream section.


The City has received 1 petition for a stream located within the City of Davenport as noted below:


The east-west section of an unnamed tributary to Silver Creek starting from west of North Linwood Avenue to just west of North Thornwood Avenue.


The estimated cost of this improvement is $96,590.

Resolution LetterResolution