Item Coversheet

City of Davenport

Department:  Public Works - Admin
Contact Info:  Clay Merritt | 563-888-3055
Action / Date

Resolution approving the plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimate of cost for the Fire Station #3 project, CIP #63012. [Ward 7]

Adopt the Resolution.

The current Fire Station #3 facility is located at 3506 Harrison Street. Due to its age, condition, space, and access problems, along with its location in the flood plain, it will be relocated to 300 East 42nd Street. The relocation of this station was also a primary recommendation by the Matrix Consulting Group based on increased call volume in the northern part of the City and to accommodate for commercial, industrial, and residential growth.


The project was designed by OPN Architects of Cedar Rapids, Iowa and construction is estimated at $8,600,000. Funding is available through CIP #63012.

Resolution LetterResolution