Item Coversheet

City of Davenport

Department:  City Clerk
Contact Info:  Laura Berkley | 563-888-3553
Action / Date

Resolution approving Case F23-08 being the request of Johnson School Properties LLC for a final plat of Johnson School Homes, a 3-lot subdivision on 2.5 acres located at 1730 Wilkes Avenue. [Ward 4]


Adopt the Resolution.


The Plan and Zoning Commission reviewed Case F23-08 at its July 18, 2023 meeting and has recommended approval subject to the listed findings and conditions:




  1. The final plat conforms to the comprehensive plan Davenport +2035.
  2. The final plat prepares the area for future development.
  3. The final plat (with conditions recommended by City staff) will achieve consistency with subdivision requirements. 




  1. That the surveyor signs the plat.
  2. That the utility providers sign the plat when their easement needs have been met.




Johnson School is a locally listed historic landmark, which was designed by Davenport's most prominent architectural firm, Clausen and Clausen. The school occupies an entire City block. Since the school closed in 2004, the building has been used for commercial purposes.


 The owners submitted a final plat to subdivide Johnson School from the larger undeveloped land on the southern half of the block. This will establish two new buildable lots, each comprising approximately .45 acres. The school and parking lot will be on a separate 1.56 acre parcel abutting Locust Street. Any new construction and exterior work on Johnson School requires review of the Historic Preservation Commission.


Comprehensive Plan: 


  1. Within Existing Urban Service Area: Yes
  2. Within Urban Service Area 2035: Yes


Future Land Use Designation:


Residential General (RG) 

Relevant Goals to be considered in this Case: Strengthen the Existing Built Environment.  

The proposed final plat complies with the Davenport +2035 proposed land use section.




The subject property is zoned C-T Commercial Transitional District. This district is intended to accommodate low intensity limited office, service, and retail uses that may serve as a transition between residential areas and more intensely developed commercial or light industrial areas of the City. Low intensity mixed-use is allowed.

Technical Review: 


  1. Zoning: The proposed lots comply with commercial district dimensional standards.
  2. Streets: No new streets are proposed. Lot 1 shall not take access from W. Locust Street. 
  3. Storm Water: Stormwater detention and water quality treatment will not be impacted.
  4. Sanitary Sewer: There is existing sanitary sewer available along Howell Street, Wilkes Avenue, and West 17th Street. 
  5. Other Utilities: Other normal utility services are available.
  6. Parks/Open Space: There are no impacts to parks/open space

Public Input: 


No Public Hearing is required for a preliminary plat.

Resolution LetterResolution
Backup MaterialFinal Plat-Johnson School Homes
Backup MaterialApplication
Backup MaterialZoning & Future Land Use Map